District 26 Annual Conference

Silent Auction

A tisket, a tasket, a SILENT AUCTION BASKET

The District 26 Annual Conference will take place May 2 – 4, 2025.  YOU CAN HELP with the Silent Auction! Please contact your club-mates about contributing baskets to the Silent Auction. All proceeds help defray conference costs and keep everyone’s registration fees low. Have FUN planning your Silent Auction baskets!

In the past, baskets had a theme like ”Party Time,” or “Movie Night.” The more popular baskets include chocolate, wine, games, gift certificates, books, or food. Clubs can ask each member to contribute, or individuals can submit personal items. Business owners can donate a gift certificate for their services, and authors can donate their books! Corporate donors are also very welcome! Contact us for details. Let’s get your creative juices flowing! Please review this list of possible contribution themes:

  • Summertime or Barbecue Cooking
  • Aromatherapy
  • Taste Sensations
  • Hobbies like gardening, fishing, automobiles, pets, exercise, sports, or aviation

The sky’s the limit! Complete the donor form below, and please send it by April 27th. Then bring your basket to the conference on Friday, May 2nd. If you can’t attend the conference but would like to support the Silent Auction with a donation, contact us, and we will help you make arrangements to ensure your gift can be transported to the conference.

SUBMIT YOUR INFORMATION BY EMAIL: Marcia Wood – tm.marciawood[at]

DUE DATE: We would appreciate it if you would return your completed form by midnight, Sunday, April 27th.

Click the lower right hand icon to download the Word document:

Donate Silent Auction Baskets

Now accepting silent auction baskets.
