Business Meeting
District Council Business Meeting Packet 4-29-23 v.4
- Every club in our District is entitled to two (2) votes, one each from the Club President and Vice President of Education. No proxy votes are accepted at District meetings according to Toastmasters International bylaws.
- PLEASE REGISTER right away for this meeting. Quorum is only established when 1/3 of our club officer representatives have registered. If quorum is not established, we must continue the vote until we have a majority of all District Council members which is much more difficult to attain.
- During this meeting we will be voting to approve our Finance report, Audit report for the first half of our program year, elect the officers for next year, and vote to approve the club alignment within areas and divisions for next year.
Date and Time
Saturday, April 29
The business meeting starts at 3:00pm. District Leadership, Club Presidents, and Club Vice Presidents of Education and conference attendees are invited to participate in our Annual Business Meeting on April 29th. Only club District Leadership, Club Presidents, and Club Vice Presidents of Education are eligible to vote on some key business for our District at that time.
If you are registered for the conference, make sure to visit the credentialing tabling and receive your voting information before 3:00pm. If you are attending virtually, make sure you have registered for the meeting to receive the zoom link.
2023-2024 Candidates’ Showcase – Please watch here
- A Candidates’ Showcase occurs before the District’s Annual Business Meeting for presentations by all District leader candidates.
- Prior to the District conference the District Director appoints members to serve as chair and co-chair of the Candidates’ Showcase. Other members are assigned as needed.
- Each candidate is given equal time to be interviewed by the Chair based on questions related to the achievement of the District mission.
For the most current information, visit the candidates page.
Nominated candidates are as follows:
The alignment plan is determined during this period, and the plan as a whole is voted on first by the DEC. then at the District Business Meeting. If you have any input to the plan, you must be taking part of the calls and providing timely feedback before the plan is submitted to the vote at the District Business Meeting.
Please review this document and corresponding maps to better understand the proposed club alignment for 2023-24.
D26 clubs list Alignment 2023-2024 04-15
Alignment maps:
District Council Meeting Minutes
All meeting minutes can be found here: