District 26 Annual Conference
Leadership & Volunteer RolesLeadership Roles
- Conference Chair ( &/or Co-Chair)
- Registration Chair
- Fundraising/Sponsorship
- Volunteer Chair
- First Timers Chair
- Contest Chairs (2)
- Silent Auction Chair
- Printing Chair
- District Web Team (optional)
- Publicity Chair (optional)
Confirms Registration forms reflect current fees/menu/hotel information. Oversee the creation, updates, and ongoing function of the online registration system.
- Attends conference calls and provides registration updates/needs to Conference Committee (per-determined schedule)
- Provide update reports on registration totals. Provides report(s) to PQD and Conference Committee to track registration numbers (as scheduled or requested)
- Conference Set-Up: Maintains Registration area to present a Professional image during the conference. Trains Registration workers so they can answer most questions. Ensures supplies are secured during non-operational hours.
- Oversees and manages the on-site registration process. Is present at the registration table to assist team with walk in registrations and resolve questions concerning registration payments.
- Arranges for staffing of the registration desk between the times determined by the Conference Chair.
- Prepares or provides a merged list to enable printing of nametags which are stuffed in holders with meal tickets, if used, 48 hours before registration opens. Adds District Officer Ribbons and First Timer Ribbons as appropriate
- Receive and process all mailed registrations. Receives all registration by mail, makes copies of checks and delivers checks to Finance Manager weekly.
- (report) Provides list of all first time attendees and contact information to first timer chair in advance of conference to enable chair to email first timers a special welcome.
- (report) Maintains a complete and up to date list of registrations made; passes list of dignitaries to Conference Committee and Trio
- (report) Provides any statistics relevant to registration that the Conference Committee may require.
- (report) Registers meal choices for each participant and ensures that the correct types of meal tickets, if used, are provided in name badges to correspond with that choice.
- (report) Coordinates method of recording advance and Walk-in registrations, to include the amount paid, type of registration, meal choices, club and Area affiliation etc.
- (report) Keeps the PQD and Conference Chairs acting as Facilities Committee Chair aware of the total number of each type of meal that has been paid, including walk-in additions.
- Provides report to PQD to verify Reconciliation of registration funds and expenses before giving to Finance Manager.
This important role should be started VERY EARLY to be an ongoing part of the PQD & the Fundraising Chair. Together they coordinate efforts to recruit sponsors. A Fundraising letter and schedule is prepared by PQD with input from TRIO. Corporate and Individual Sponsors can help the conference in several ways: Silent Auction items (including gift certificates, movie tickets, etc.) in-kind printing for conference flyers, agendas, the conference program, etc. and other office supplies such as folders and nametags.
Potential sponsors should be approached in a professional and courteous manner. The sponsor should be given the letter and schedule prepared by the PQD review. Sponsors should receive a professional thank-you letter, receipt and public recognition as outlined in the Sponsor Schedule.
The Conference has MANY areas where volunteers are needed throughout the event. It may be possible for the Room Host & Volunteer Chair to be one role if you have a strong planner in this position. Care should be given to ensure all areas requiring a volunteer are covered. Walking through the agenda/program step by step AND getting feedback from the other Chair roles will ensure you cover all bases.
New Toastmasters who attend the conference are likely to be unfamiliar with how the Conference is structured.
Plan a “first-timer” educational session prior to the conference start. The session will introduce the 1st Timers to each other & provide special activities that will help the new members network & meet other Toastmasters during the conference. The coordinator will conduct the session(s) based on the timed itinerary for the conference.
1 for each contest
Contestants competing at the District level IF only attending to compete in their respective Contest DO NOT PAY TO COMPETE. If contestants wish to eat at any of the meals during the conference, then the contestant will need to pay. Several A-la-carte options may be available. Contestants must attend briefings which may take place up to 2-3 hours prior to the contest, depending on the conference schedule. All functionaries must be registered for the conference in some manner.
- Contest Chair must confirm and report the registration status of all participants, including contestants during contest/conference planning meetings.
- Recommends selections for: Toastmaster, Test Speakers[ Evaluation Contest only], and Chief Judges for the Contests to the Program Quality Director for appointment of these roles.
- Selects for each contest: 2 counters, 2 timers, and 2 trained and experienced judges from each division represented by a contestant, from suggestions of PQD. PQD may Consult DD for recommendations prior to reaching out to Members.
- Sends information packages to all Contest Team participants to ensure that they are fully briefed, in writing, on all aspects of their duties. Duties are specifically stated in the Contest Rule Book, ensure any variations are confirmed with all parties of your Team.
- Obtains Contestant Profile and Certificate of Eligibility forms for all contestants. Verify speech titles for contests that require them {Tall Tales, International, Humorous].
- Provides all forms required by TMI for that contest to the Chief Judge. (review current Contest Rule Book as needed)
- Coordinates Contest logistics to ensure all participants receive verbal briefings immediately prior to the contest OR as otherwise planned.
- Provides finalized Contest Programs to the Conference Committee ( for printing ) by the date determined by Conference Planning Team. The number printed will be determined by Conference registration numbers.
- Ensures that Conference Committee/Printing Chair confirms print order for the contest programs.
- Ensures that any specialized equipment (e.g. timing light, stopwatch, video cameras, etc.) required for the contests are provided, appropriately staged & tested.
- Communicates with Conference Committee to provide any needs or other equipment required.
- Ensures Sgt @ Arms Team secure doors during contests. It is preferred only one main door is used and signs are placed on other doors directing guests to main door
Solicits donations from Clubs via prepared flyers, e-mails sent through Social Media Chair & Constant Contact (Web Team)
- Silent Auction Team Mingles with auction shoppers, ensure safe friendly & lively environment
- Sets up / prepares tables, place Bid Sheets at prize locations
- Maintains a list of all donations w/matching auction bid sheets
- Secures prize donations during non-conference hours.
- Ensures Silent Auction tables (area) are fully manned during Conference weekend.
- At end of auction collects winning bids/documents sales & notifies winners and processes payments
- Collects money onsite and provides detailed accounting sheet w/funds to District Finance Manager and District Director
- Draft letter to Clubs seeking donations for Silent Auction – 50 words or less. Short/direct to the point. Draft a colorful flyer for distribution to clubs.
Responsible for printing all conference materials. Works with all other leadership on printing needs.
Responsible for the design, care, and feeding of the website, and for coordinating the team of volunteers who make calendar and other content updates.
Forms team to work with the PRM to create photos, announcements, and other content on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn. Submit an Ad campaign schedule to ensure regular & timely notices are posted. When practical prepare an announement schedule w/pre-determined topics so this task can be automated.
Finance Chair(District FM) and PQD prepares Conference Budget and District Director submits to TI at the beginning of the Toastmaster Year. Each committee is informed of their allowable expenses and amounts. All expenses must be approved by PQD in advance to ensure they fall within the anticipated budget. Vouchers are sent to District Finance Manager after approval by PQD to ensure that the expense is within the amount budgeted.
Other Volunteer Roles
- Audio/Visual Stage Manager
- Publicity Roles
- Fundraising/Sponsorship Roles
- Contests Role
- Registration Helper
- Hospitality/Ambassadors Roles
- Setup/Breakdown
Assist in advertising the events, create marketing information, and circulate it.
- Assist in getting donors of money and things for the conference.
- Judges, ballot counters, timers
- Contest Sergeant at Arms
- Chief Judges (2)
- Contest Chairs (2)
Assist with covering the Registration table.
- General Hospitality – Answer questions and direct traffic.
- First Timers Ambassadors – Wear a ribbon that distinguishes you, if First Timer needs assistance they come to you.
- First Timers Meal Host – Seasoned TM’s to sit at meal tables with first timers to visit and answer questions
Assist with setting up the facility and packing up at the end of events.